Logistics can be tricky at the best of times, the pallet calculator, also known as a TI HI Calculator, will automatically calculate volumetric weight, maximum carton load, pallet load efficiency and provide other logistics information. The calculator contains built in tolerances that will suit most pallet configeration tolerances (i.e, allowing for slight bulge and distortion in cartons, slight alignment erros in stacking etc), if you prefer to calculate exalct pallet configerations with 100% pallet optimisation then we suggest using our Advanced Pallet Calculator (Advanced TI HI Calculator) which is desingned for product which is in cartons of exact dimensions and controlled builds.

How to calculate how many cartons/boxes fit on a pallet

  1. Enter carton outer dims (dimensions), weight and total number of cartons. use the units mm [Millimeters] or in [inches], note that a conversion factor of 25.4 mm to 1 in is used.
  2. Select Pallet type to be used for the pallet calculation
  3. Calculate or select advanced to alter default settings

Pallet Calculations

The information provided by Pallet Calculator, is particularly useful for maximising your goods distribution when sending export freight through a Freight Forwarder.

iCalculator Logistics Calculators are regularly updated to include new features and facilities to support the logistics industry. Whether you are trying to calculate the volumetric weight of an item of trying to work out how many items you can fit into a 40ft container, iCalculator has the right tool for you.

All the logistics calculators featured on this site are free to use. The calculators are designed to be used online, if you do experience difficulties or your looking for a calculator which isn’t featured, please contact us. We are always looking for new projects and ideas so we are happy to receive your feedback and wish lists.

How to calculate pallet requirement

A step by step guide on how to use the pallet calculator

  1. Select unit of measurement (mm = Millimetres, in = inches)
  2. Enter carton width
  3. Enter carton length
  4. Enter carton height
  5. Enter total number of planned cartons
  6. Select the type of pallet that you will be using

The pallet calculator will now automatically calculate the logistics metrics for you pallet build including volumetric weight

Advanced Pallet Calculator

The Pallet Calculator uses logistics industry standard caveats and metrics as default. The advanced pallet calculator allows you to alter the standard logistics metrics for use of bespoke pallet build / vehicle use.

Advanced Calculator features include:

  • Overhang: Depending on your product type, it’s packaging and the quality control program in use, you may want to build your pallets using an overhand. Some carriers will not accept pallets with overhang so it is worth discussing with your logistics manager before building pallets with overhang. If building with overhang is viable in your supply chain network and you can retain the quality of product through the supply chain then it is worth building your pallets with an overhang as this can save considerable costs on transportation, particularly if your goods are relatively light in weight.
  • Stackable: Ensuring that your goods can be stacked will provide you with the most cost effective means of moving your freight. Non stackable freight is costly as the space above the goods is lost. Cost metrics aside, non-stackable freight increases carbon expenditure on the movement of goods. Overall, the logistics industry does not like non stackable goods.
  • Max Pallet Height: This height caveat is based on freight forwarding height build restriction for lower deck aircraft pallet build. You can plan for higher if using an industry leading freight forwarder. Pallets that are travelling by road and sea can be built higher but you should consider the health and safety aspects of building tall pallets.
  • Any Way Up:

    Большинство товаров упаковываются для транспортировки в вертикальном положении, как упакованные; то есть «верхом вверх». Это обычно обозначается наклейками или метками с двумя стрелками, направленными вверх (↑↑). Выберите «Да», только если ваш товар может быть уложен в любой конфигурации.

    Pallet CalculatorNote: Ensure both the goods and the packaging are capable of this handling!

  • Pallet Weight: This weight is the standard weight of an average wooden pallet. This weight forms part of the consideration for freight movement.

What is TI HI?

If you are new to the logistics industry or have encountered the term TI HI but are unsure of its meaning don’t worry, TI HI is one of those terms that you pick up as you go along. TI HI, sometimes written as Tie High, Ti by Hi or Ti-High, is a reference to the number of cartons that is stored on each tier of a stacked pallet, specifically:

  • TI: Refers to the number of cartons stored in a tier (tier is also referred to as layer or level). On the Pallet Calculator, the TI is referred to as the Cartons per level as we feel this is clearer language for those who may be unfamiliar with logistics lingo.
  • HI Refers to the number of tiers (layers or levels) that can be stacked on the pallet when building within specific Hight restrictions (for a truck, container or aircraft pallet etc.). On the Pallet Calculator, the HI is referred to as the Number of levels as we feel this is clearer language for those who may be unfamiliar with logistics lingo.

Сколько паллет входит в 4 метровую Газель?

Количество паллет, которое можно загрузить в 4-метровую Газель, зависит от ее грузоподъемности, а также от размеров и веса паллет. Обычно 4-метровая Газель может перевозить грузы массой до 1,5-2 тонн, что составляет примерно 6-8 европаллетов (размером 1200х800 мм) или 4-6 паллетов размером 1200х1000 мм.

Однако, если палеты имеют неправильную форму или размеры, то может быть загружено меньше палетов, чем указано выше. Также, следует учитывать форму и размеры самой Газели, а также наличие других грузов в салоне. Для более точного расчета рекомендуется связаться с производителем или поставщиком Газели.

Видео. Простейший калькулятор на Python

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